What is BREEAM?

BREEAM is a building rating scheme that started in the UK but is now internationally recognised because of its high sustainability standards and its focus on building things for today which will last in the future.

BREEAM’s sustainable development philosophy is centred around three core pillars. It evaluates the social, economic and environmental impact of a building.

Article illustration, Rockfon, blog post, building certification schemes

What does it mean if a building is BREEAM certified?

Getting a project BREEAM certified is a great for new builds, renovations and community and infrastructure projects. A BREEAM certification can help reduce the operational costs of the building, with significant long term savings in terms of water and energy, making the building more attractive to sell, rent or retain, while it also creates healthy and safe places to live, work and learn.

For example, research from the World Green Building Council has shown that improvement in indoor air quality can help increase productivity by as much as 8-11%*.


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Download our BREEAM factsheet


Download our factsheet to find out more to find out more about how our acoustic ceiling and wall panels can help get you BREEAM certified.


Document cover of factsheet BREEAM

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